Our Team
Content Director
Ron Peel
My Name is Ron Peel, Kelley’s sidekick of 29 years, and I’m helping Kelley cast out her message through the web and social media. I have helped Kelley throughout the years as she sees new needs and creates programs to address them. We enjoy working together on projects for the community and kids.
Educator in Chief
Kelley Peel
My Name is Kelley Peel and I have spent the last 33 years learning from young people. As a teacher and school counselor, I have been able to experience what Mindfulness is in “real world” terms. I am excited to share the activities and lessons that have had the biggest impact. Yes, the discipline data is one of the successes, but my life blood is watching the kids feel a stillness & peace on their rough days.
Video Director & Producer
Jack Zwemer
My name is Jack Zwemer and I'll be a senior at Denison University in Granville, Ohio next September. I'm a cinema major unofficially focusing in lighting and other things that happen behind the scenes of your favorite movies! I'm really excited to help with this project while continuing to work on the skills that I will need later in my life!