May 8, 2020
Gratitude, maybe seems like an overused word, but the impact is real & sustainable in our journey toward peace and joy. We can find it referenced repeatedly in the Bible, in yoga sutras, and more importantly in people who seem to feel content in their space on earth.
Gratitude is: 1. Affirmation of goodness 2. Recognition of the goodness outside of ourselves.
Let’s look at definition 1. Affirming the goodness of the moment is to be in the present moment, allowing the anger, judgment, sadness of the past to pause. It also allows the anxieties for tomorrow to wait until tomorrow. 2. To look beyond ourselves to recognize that we are all connected and a part of something bigger than ourselves. Similar to looking into the sky and settling into just that fleeting moment.
During this shut down, I am personally feeling a respite from anxiety and even deep sadness when I spend time outside soaking in the smells, sites, sounds, & feel of spring, giving math lessons on-line with individual students, & writing notes to people who are unable to venture out.
The lesson on Gratitude, as with all the lessons, is a reminder for me. I hope you find it useful in your quest for a settled peace in the turbulent time.
Peace & wellness,